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Mattis and Kelsey LLP

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Success Stories

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By cooperating with over 100 lawyers across the region, our original values remain an integral part of our philosophy and approach to client work. Lawyers are in many of the largest and most complex transactions in the region.

Family Law Success

NF v FH – Family – 2016 SCJ
Contentious dispute over matrimonial home. Our client received the title of the matrimonial home from the spouse.
KS v BS – Family – 2015 SCJ
Contentious family dispute that involved our client’s business. After intense negotiations, opposing side gave up all interest in our client’s business. Client also received a lump sum from former spouse.
SC v CS – 2014 OCJ
Former spouse received a default judgement for custody and child support from our client while he was out of country. We brought a successful motion, and the court overturned the previous order.
SB v DB – Family – 2014 OCJ
Child access was withheld from our client. Our intervention allowed him to start seeing the children. We negotiated the amount of arrears owed to a manageable amount for the client.
JC v EA – SCJ 2014
We opposed the request that child access be unsupervised because of the instability of the other parent. Court agreed with our position. We also got child support to be reinstated, after years of nonpayment.
AO v JM – OCJ 2016
Reinstatement and increase of child access, after opposing parent withheld access.
KS v BS – SCJ 2015
Opposing spoused wanted client’s pension and wanted him to sell his business and provide her with a percentage of the proceeds. We negotiated a settlement where client kept his business, kept his pension, and received $10,000.00 from the opposing spouse.
JB v MB – SCJ 2018
client was living with mother at the time of the application. Negotiated a settlement where Applicant Father got sole custody of the child, Respondent mother had to pay child support to the father.
CAS v WP – 2016 SCJ Oshawa
client was charged criminal of sexual assault charges against his stepchildren. Those were withdrawn. CAS then brought an application preventing client from seeing his children and from going home. We successfully challenged CAS. Settlement was reached where the client was provided full access to his children and allowed to go back home.

Criminal Law Success

R v TF – Criminal – 2017 SCJ
Client was charged with importing cocaine into Canada. Successful argued that Client was duped by her partner. Not Guilty Verdict.
R v TF – Criminal – 2018 SCJ Toronto
Client sentence of 7 years was commuted to no additional jail time, due to poor treatment at Toronto South Detention Center. See Toronto Star publication…
R v SS – Criminal 2022 SCJ Brampton
First degree murder case, where client provided an incriminatory statement. We Successful argued section 8, 9, 10b application to get client’s incriminatory statement excluded from trial.
R v FF – Criminal 2022 SCJ Toronto
Client facing firearm charges when the police pulled over a car where the firearm was found on the mat in front of him. Not guilty verdict.
R v OT – Criminal 2019 OCJ Brampton
Client found not guilty of Trafficking Cocaine because Peel Police violated client’s section 8 right and searched the vehicle without lawful authority.
R v KL – Criminal 2022 OCJ Brampton
oTrafficking Cocaine charges withdrawn because Peel Police used excessive force during the execution of a search warrant
R v FF – Criminal 2019 SCJ Toronto
oClient found not guilty of gun and aggravated assault charges at trial due to successful cross examination of the complainant.
R v TP – Criminal 2020 SCJ
client seen on video wielding a machete and injured 2 persons. At trial he was acquitted for injuring one of the persons by the jury. The conviction for injury to the other person was overturned by the Court of Appeal and a new trial ordered. Prosecutors refused to proceed on a new trial and the client was acquitted. Client was facing deportation.
R v TP – Criminal 2019 SCJ
eyewitness evidence that our client was one of the persons who shot two persons. Client was charged with attempted murder. Telephone evidence that would put client in the general area where the incident occurred. Due to the cross examination of the eyewitnesses, judge ruled that client is not guilty of attempted murder.
R v CM – Criminal 2019 OCJ Brampton
Negotiated community service for Fraud charges to be withdrawn
R v BL – Criminal 2022 SCJ Brampton
Client charged with pimping and assaulting the complainant. After vigorous cross examination of the complainant, SCJ judge found client not guilty of all charges.
R v SH 2017 SCJ Toronto
Client plead guilty to agg. Crown wanted the sexual assault plea. Crown was seeking a designation of dangerous offender. We opposed the application. Application was not successful, and client was sentenced appropriately.
R v AP – Criminal 2017 Brampton OCJ
Police conducted surveillance and seen client coming from the house. Police executed a warrant and seized a long gun in a upstairs bedroom, and bail papers of client in the kitchen. At the preliminary hearing, judge agreed that there was not enough evidence to link client’s knowledge to the gun. Charges were dismissed.

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